Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What I do

My name is Steve Gallo.  I help athletes reach their full performance potential.  I also help regular folks make sense of the Rubik's Cube that is modern fitness.

I hold a BS in exercise science from the University of Maine, and am an NSCA certified strength & conditioning specialist.  The science behind all things human performance is my game.

Apart from authoring and designing supplements, I work as both a sport performance and fat loss coach.  I've partnered with a great deal of gyms in my region, trained privately, coached online, coached in a school setting, ran performance clinics, conducted collegiate pre-season training, and so on.  My clients reach their fat loss goals, and my athletes reach their performance goals.  When it comes to sports performance and fat loss, if you name it, I've done it.

Sport Performance Coaching
Philosophy: high levels of strength + excellent technique + no mobility/injury barriers = elite sports performance.

  • needs analysis, injury evaluation, & program generation
  • lifting technique
  • sprint/change of direction technique
  • mobility/postural solutions
  • sports nutrition counseling
  • supplementation counseling 
  • injury management

Fat Loss Coaching
Philosophy: begin with education, take potent yet easily manageable action, transition into a new lifestyle.

  • detailed explanation of the science behind fat loss
  • an approach that strives to be accessible for anyone - does not require "special" foods, supplements, equipment, or an exorbitant time commitment
  • comprehensive methodology which ties together physiological, dietary, and psychological aspects of fat loss
  • coaching that fits your lifestyle and food choices - no rigid meal planning, no regurgitated cookie cutter advice, no strict grocery lists
  • assistance with realistic goal setting
  • most importantly, a SUSTAINABLE approach

I train one-on-one/small groups in the southern Maine region.  I'm also available for online coaching and one-shot consultations.  For more information, shoot me an email at stevegallo@corpuscompendium.com